HBSL strategy in this field is harmonized with Internationalization strategy due to the fact that all cooperation projects should contribute to enhancement of quality of the teaching process, student training, teaching and non-teaching staff training as well as cooperation with partner institutions and organizations. It is for this reason that HBSL recognizes the process of internationalization as a key element of enhancement of competitiveness and School image in the field of higher education. HBSL invests a great amount of effort to establish and maintain cooperation with similar institutions (EU and non-EU) especially cooperation which refers to student and staff mobility.
In order to achieve aims stated in the Internationalization strategy, HBSL will focus on taking active participation in Erasmus+ program activities which refer to: outgoing and incoming student mobility, mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff within program and partner countries, as well as outgoing and incoming student mobility within practical training programs (KA1); Strategic partnerships, Knowledge Alliances and Capacity Building Projects (KA2); Cooperation with international organisations and Stakeholder dialogue, policy and Programme promotion (KA3); Jean Monnet programme.
In the first 2 (two) years of strategy realization, the stress will be placed on mobility of teaching and non-teaching staff in order to achieve Erasmus capacity of Higher Business School of Professional Studies in Leskovac. Besides this, the realization of this mobility will increase the capacity of the teaching staff through exchange of experience and knowledge related to mobility programs as well through exchange of knowledge from relevant areas of interest (academic aspects).
Professional development of non-teaching staff through mobility programs will contribute to adequate realization of incoming mobility by providing administrative support. In the next phase, the focus will be on establishing incoming mobility of students and staff from higher education institutions from the region, as well as on outgoing mobility of staff and students towards partner higher education institutions. It is expected that the greatest number of incoming student mobility will be realized with students where there are no language barriers (or there exists a small language barrier) in relation to attending lecture and practice classes which are realized in Serbian language (Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia). Higher Business School of Professional Studies will organize free Serbian language courses for all incoming mobility students. Higher Business School of Professional Studies in Leskovac strives to eliminate all types of discrimination (race, gender, religion, national and ethnic identity). Technical conditions that the School offers (access to School object, ramps, toilets, elevator and similar) enable students with some form of disability to attend teaching without any hindrances. The realization of student mobility programs as well as promotion of international experience on the basis of these exchange programs significantly contributes to enhancement of institution’s competitiveness.
HBSL formed an Office for projects and international cooperation which will be in charge of organizing and implementing cooperation programs within Erasmus+ programs (as an organizational unit without legal personality). The organizational structure of the Office will be made of a team of qualified professionals with previous experience in international cooperation, project preparation and realization and implementation of mobility programs. Office for projects and international cooperation team realizes all necessary activities for application or participation in particular cooperation programs with the approval of School director. The Office will be in charge of efficiently executing strategic decisions as well as implementing operative activities related to internationalization. This way, the Office will continue strengthening relations with partner institutions within mobility programs; offer full support to organization of outgoing and incoming mobility by providing information on particular institution and study programs by referring to their web pages and contact persons; offering help in finding accommodation for incoming students and staff as well as extending full support to facilitate their integration.
Mobility within Erasmus+ program represents an important experience for its participants not only on an academic and professional but on a personal level as well. Therefore, the School will continuously work on consolidating and expanding partnerships as well as on promoting higher quality in student and staff exchanges and other activities related to life-long learning.