On May 19th 2016, Higher Business School of Professional Studies was a host to a workshop “Rural tourism – a chance you shouldn’t miss.” This has been yet another of the numerous activities in the Tempus project „Modernization and harmonization of tourism study programmes in Serbia“.

The following lectures formed part of the above mentioned workshop:

Besides the main project partners, workshop attendees were representatives of tourism business entities, representatives of several tourist organizations (Southern, Eastern, Central and Western Serbia) as well as representatives of the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina. They had the opportunity to exchange their ideas, thoughts and experience in tourism especially those relating to rural tourism thus coming to a conclusion that tourism can be a trigger to development of rural areas.

Towards the end of the workshop a discussion on the topic of the workshop was opened so that participants could ask questions about the presented examples of good practice. All participants of the workshop were awarded certificates confirming that they have attended and successfully passed the training “Rural tourism – a chance you shouldn’t miss.”